Throughout studying about Dancing Continents, I have learned a lot. I have learned that the continents do not stay in one spot forever, that they do in fact move around all over the bottom of the ocean floor.I have also learned that we can measure the speed of the plates, which to me is very interesting. Another thing i learned is that since the continents move all over the place that magma, from the earth's crust, comes up onto the ocean floor. The temperature of this causes the earth's plates to move forward and backward. I have also learned that explanation of mountains and volcano and how they came to be. The theory of the sea floor spreading was by Hess in 1960. The theory of continental drifts was that the continents move over the sea floor.The theory of plate tectonics was that the earths crust is broken into 6 different pieces and that any part of that piece of crust could be found on the ocean floor.
I think this information is very important to scientist. It is also important that they share the information that they gather. By sharing the data with other scientist they are able to get more information from other parts of the ocean floor.By doing this activity i was able to put the countries together how i thought they went. It gave me a chance to really see how the system works because i had to figure it myself. It showed me that the system that the earth created is a very complex structure.I really enjoyed this because i am more of a visual learner and hands on. By doing this i was able to see myself how it all really worked.
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